
Technological and material composition of upholstery manufacturing, that ensures high quality standards, extended resistance, bio-compatibility, above the average safety and comfort. Upholstery consists of 5 material layers of different characteristics:
A) TOP COVER (external layer) – ensures weather & wind proofness, colour
stability, abrasion resistance and easy maintenance.
B) TOP FILLER (outer filler) – thorough thermo-isolation attribute.
C) BASE PANEL (carry base) – reinforced design carrier.
D) STUFFING (inner filler) – breathable material with climate-control function.
E) INNER COAT (internal layer) – pure cotton with fine structure, meets high
hygienic criteria.


A unique function for adjust mutual optimal position of the components (carrycot, seat unit, car seat) for a stroller for siblings and twins.


Ultra-modern state of the arty design concept of angulated and rounded shapes harmony.